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Traffic regulation orders and consultations

Application for Temporary Traffic Regulation Order

Temporary Traffic Regulation Orders are issued under Section 14 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984.

A TTRO is required when works within the highway necessitate a restriction that includes for example, a road or footpath closure, speed limit or if an existing Traffic Regulation Order needs to be suspended.

  • A TTRO for major works is for a duration of up to 18 months and requires at least 4 weeks’ notice. The fees are £302 plus advertising costs.
  • A TTRO for urgent works is for a duration of up to 5 days and requires 2 weeks’ notice. The fees are £184.
  • An emergency TTRO is for a duration of up to 21 days. The fees are £143.
  • A TTRO for a Public Right of Way is restricted to a duration of 6 months.
  • The notice requirements for TTRO’s are to allow sufficient time to consult on the application and make the order. The requirements under the New Roads and Street Works Act 1991 to notify works still apply.
  • Any road closure on a bus route will require 10 weeks notice.
  • The applicant is responsible for providing the appropriate traffic management signage to Chapter 8 of the Traffic Signs Manual.
There has been a problem!

For temporary closures for an event please notify the Public Event Safety Advisory Group (PESAG) of your proposed event, preferably at least 12 weeks before.

Details on how to submit an application and guidance can be found on the PESAG webpage, alternatively please email: [email protected].

Current traffic order/consultations

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