Volunteer with the Young People's Engagement and Justice Service
Are you a student?
If you are a student looking for a placement as part of a University course, we have a link with Durham University. We typically offer a maximum of two placements per year. However, we may be able to assist with research projects or a specific question, so please contact us.
If you are a college student, sorry but we do not offer placements due to the age of our client base.
What do Community Panel Volunteers do?
This is a role related to a court ordered ‘referral order’. Volunteers receive around 18 hours training on the wider youth justice system and their role with us.
The community volunteers provide oversight and input into the planning of young people's work in the community. They are updated on progress and are key in deciding if a young person is returned to court for not complying with their order.
Our volunteers agree to a term of 4 years of service. This ensures that new community members have the chance to become panel members.
To find out more email [email protected]