Orders and cautions information
Detention and Training Order (DTO)
This is a custodial order of between 4 and 24 months given to under 18s. Half of the sentence is served in custody and half in the community with supervision.
Youth Rehabilitation Order (YRO)
This is a court ordered community sentence for young people. It contains ‘requirements’ the young person is expected to do as part of their community sentence. It can last up to 3 years.
Referral Order
This is a court order sentence for young people. Members of the community form ‘panels’ to decide on what the young person is expected to do as part of their community sentence. They can be up to 12 months.
Out of Court Court Disposals
Depending on the seriousness and previous offending, these are a way of stopping young people going to court.
There are two formal Out of Court Disposals available, these are;
- Youth Conditional Caution
- Youth Caution
There are also local diversion and prevention schemes.
Voluntary programmes of agreed intervention. A young person can refuse to complete it, if so it can be replaced by a Youth Caution.
Early intervention work with referrals from police, civic enforcement, children's services front door.
Useful link to find information on what happens when young people are arrested or in court.
Information for young people | Just For Kids Law [external link]