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Youth offending service privacy notice

Who do you keep information about?

We keep information about young people, between the ages of 10-17 years, who have come in to contact with the criminal justice system and are subject to out of court disposals and/or statutory court orders.

Why do you keep information about me?

The youth offending team uses your personal information so that it can provide you with services which it has a statutory obligation to do, if you are between the ages of 10-17 and have come into contact with the criminal justice system.

In order to deliver those services, we process personal data because we have a legal obligation to do so.

Who can see my information?

Staff in the youth offending team have access to your personal data.

Sometimes we may also need to share that information with health services, education, police, national probation service and other local authorities as well as the youth justice board.

This is in accordance with information sharing protocols.

How do you store the information you keep about me?

Information is stored on the youth justice information technology secure system.

Some information may also be held in a paper format. Information is destroyed securely when we no longer need it.

How long do you keep information about me?

How long we keep information about you depends on the nature of the offence committed. 

Out of court disposals and referral orders are stored for 3 years after last action or when a young person reaches their 18th birthday.

Statutory court orders (with the exception of sex offences) are held for 5 years but after 3 years the file will only hold basic information.

Sexual offences section 53 (1) or 53 (2) disposal of 30 months or indefinite period.

Sex offences on the sexual offences register are subject to the length of time on the register.

How did the Council get my personal data?

As well as the information you provide, we also get information from other teams within the Council’s children’s social care service and partner agencies including the police, courts, school and health services. 

What sort of information do you keep?

We may use the following information about you to make sure that we provide you with the right service, advice or support.

This may include some of the following categories of information:

Personal data:

  • name
  • identification number
  • location data

One or more factors specific to:

  • physical
  • physiological
  • genetic
  • mental
  • economic
  • cultural
  • social identity

We may also process some special categories of personal data, these may include:

  • racial or ethnic origin
  • political opinions
  • religious or philosophical beliefs
  • genetic data
  • data concerning health
  • sex life or sexual orientation


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