Learning & Skills privacy notice
Who do you keep information about?
We keep information about everyone who enrols on a Darlington Borough Council Learning & Skills course or programme.
Why do you keep information about me?
Personal information is collected by the Learning & Skills service in accordance with the contractual terms and conditions imposed on providers of learning by the Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) and the Tees Valley Combined Authority (TVCA). The data collected allows the ESFA, TVCA and ourselves to satisfy and evidence the learner existence and eligibility checks, as well as ensure that the programme and support is appropriate to the individuals need. We rely on the following GDPR conditions to process your personal data and special categories of personal data.
Personal data
Processing is necessary for us to evidence the existence of the learner and for us to have a contract with the data subject or to take steps to enter into a contract.
Special categories of personal data
Processing is necessary for reasons of substantial public interest on the basis of domestic law which is proportionate to the aim pursued and which contains appropriate safeguards.
Who can see my information?
In accordance with contractual requirements all training providers are required to submit learner data to the ESFA and the TVCA. This data is processed by the Department for Education (DFE) and those third party organisations who process learner information on behalf of the DFE, to enable to DFE to carry out its functions.
Learner enrolment information collected by the ESFA and TVCA is known as the Individualised Learner Record (ILR). The specification and standards for the ILR are published for each academic year (1 August to 31 July) by the ESFA. This specification provides more information about the use of your information as does the ESFA Privacy Notice [external link]. The Learner enrolment information is collected via a Google form, and this is stored on the secure Google servers. This guidance provides more information about the use of your information with Google [external link].
Learner contact information collected by the ESFA and TVCA may be used for the purposes of research and surveys to enable the DfE to carry out its functions or, where learning is funded by the Department for Work and Pensions to carry out its functions. This contact information will only be used for the purposes of other research and surveys with the consent of the learner.
Learner information is also collected and supplied to the Learning Records Service, which is provided and managed by ESFA. Your information is used by the ESFA to issue learners with a Unique Learner Number, and to create and maintain your Personal Learning Record. More information about this use of learner information is published by the Learning Record Service [external link]
How do you store the information you keep about me?
Information in held securely in predominantly in electronic format on the Unit E management information system and Google server. Some information is held securely in paper format, but this is limited.
How long do you keep information about me?
The Learning & Skills service is required to keep information it holds on learners for 6 years after the end of the academic year in which the learning ceased. This information is deleted or destroyed securely when it is no longer needed.
How did the Council get my personal data?
The Learning and Skills service only uses data provided by the individual learner via the completion of the enrolment form on the Google platform. Prior qualification data may be verified through the Learning Record Service.
What sort of information do you keep?
We may use the following information about you to make sure that we satisfy the ESFA and TVCA learner existence and eligibility checks as well as ensure that the programme and support is appropriate to your needs. We will only use the minimum amount of information necessary to do so and will take every reasonable step to ensure the information is accurate.
Personal data:
- Name
- Unique learner number / Identification number
- Location data
- Online identifier
- One or more factors specific to the natural person, including:-
- physical
- physiological
- genetic
- mental
- economic
Special categories of personal data:
- Racial or ethnic origin
- Data concerning health