Health and safety team privacy notice
Who do you keep information about?
Records are maintained relating to accidents and incidents / potential exposure to asbestos, occupational diseases, to employees, volunteers, contractors and members of the public that arise out of or in connection with council business.
Records relating to individuals that pose a potential threat to employees.
Why do you keep information about me?
The Council processes this personal data to ensure details of accidents/incidents are properly investigated to reduce the risk to employees, volunteers, contractors and members of the public.
Information is recorded to comply with a legal obligations, including those contained in the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, Reporting of Injuries Diseases and Dangerous Occurrence Regulations 2013, Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012 and Control of Vibration Regulations 2005.
Who can see my information?
The personal accident / incident data is available to the Health and Safety, Human Resource Team, Occupational Health and the relevant management.
Where the accident / incident is reportable the information will be passed to the Health and Safety Executive (HSE).
How do you store the information you keep about me?
Paper records are stored in a locked draw/filing cabinet. Electronic documents and data base entries are securely stored on the Council’s servers.
How long do you keep information about me?
Accident / incident records are maintained for 4 years from the date of discovery of injury or ill health for adults and 25 years for children.
Records relating to potential asbestos exposure to asbestos are held for 40 years from last action or when person reaches the age of 80 whichever is longest.
Records relating to individuals that pose a potential threat to employees remain on the electronic database for a 12 month period, at which point they are reviewed.
At this point if the individual is no longer considered a potential threat the record will be permanently deleted or if the risk remains they are approved to stay on the database for another 12 month period and so on.
This information is destroyed securely when we no longer need it.
How did the Council get my personal data?
Data is received from witnesses, for example, council staff following an accident/incident or external agency / third party.
What sort of information do you keep?
We may use the following information about you to make sure that we provide you with the right service, advice or support.
Personal data:
- Name
- Identification number
- Location data
- One or more factors specific to the:
- physical
- physiological
- mental
- cultural
- social identity of that natural person.
Special categories of personal data:
- Racial or ethnic origin
- Religious or philosophical beliefs
- Trade union membership
- Data concerning health
- Data concerning a natural person’s sex life or sexual orientation.