Documents and strategies
Children and schools
- Children and young people's plan and other key documents
- schools@onedarlington - system leadership in practice
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)
- SEND Report 2022 [pdf document]
Enforcement policy
The Regulatory Services Group published its enforcement policy [pdf document] in September 2012 which applies to all of its regulatory work and details of the decision making process that officers follow when carrying out their work.
Freedom of information and environmental requests
Procedure and policy for FOI and EIR
Anti-social behaviour
Anti-social behaviour policy and procedure
Home energy conservation act
More information about the home energy conservation act
Housing strategy 2012-17
Homelessness strategy
Housing connect
Housing support
Peer Challenge review
- Peer challenge review presentation [pdf document]
- Peer challenge report [pdf document]
Darlington community safety partnership plan, sexual violence strategy and alcohol reduction strategy.
Darlington community safety partnership.
Policy framework
Rights of way
Rights of way improvement plan
The Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000 (RIPA)
The Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000 (RIPA)
Strategic (single) needs assessment
Strategic (single) needs assessment
Transport policy
Third local transport plan: 2011-2026
- Third local transport plan [pdf document]
- Annexes [pdf document]
Implementation plan
An implementation plan has been produced and is agreed by Cabinet on an ongoing basis. The plan will be reviewed as appropriate and developed within the funding allocation from the Department for Transport.
Impact assessments have been carried out on the plan:
- SEA/SA scoping report [pdf document]
- Sustainability appraisal and SEA of Darlington [pdf document]
- Equalities Impact Assessment [pdf document]
- Disability Impact Assessment [pdf document]
Second local transport plan and delivery report
The Second Local Transport Plan [pdf document] covered the period 2006-2011.
Delivery report 2008 [pdf document, 1.4mb]
First local transport plan and progress reports
The first local transport plan [pdf document] covered the period 2001-2006.
- Scoping report v3 [pdf document, 715kb]
- 2005 progress report [pdf document]
- 2003 progress report [pdf document]
Local pinch point fund application form
Local pinch point fund application form [pdf document]
Tree and Woodland Strategy 2021-2031
The aims of the strategy are to:
- manage and enlarge the tree population of the borough
- protect our historical heritage of trees
- provide a valued environment for future generations
Tree and Woodland Strategy 2021-2031 [pdf document]
Workforce development
Services for people workforce development information