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Duties of Darlington Borough Council

Prevent in Darlington

What is Prevent?

Prevent is part of the UK Government’s counter-terrorism strategy CONTEST.

Prevent is just that – a preventative programme, delivered locally by teachers, healthcare practitioners, social workers, the police, charities, and religious leaders.

It places protection around people vulnerable to radicalisation, stopping them from being drawn into terrorism – regardless of the ideology. 

Prevent is part of the UK Government’s counter-terrorism strategy CONTEST that has four distinct parts –

  • Pursue: to stop terrorist attacks
  • Prevent: to stop people becoming terrorists or supporting terrorism
  • Protect: to strengthen our protection against a terrorist attack
  • Prepare: to mitigate the impact of a terrorist attack

For more information about Prevent see the Let's talk about it website [external link]

What is extremism?

What views are classed as extremist?

Extremism is vocal or active opposition to fundamental British values, including democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of different faiths and beliefs.

We also include in our definition of extremism calls for the death of members of our armed forces, whether in this country or overseas.

What is Channel?

Channel is part of the Prevent programme.

It’s a voluntary, confidential, early intervention programme that supports people who may be at risk of being drawn into terrorism. Many types of support are available as part of Channel.

These include support at school, in the workplace, for substance abuse and with specialist mentors, mental health key workers and doctors. 

We work with all kinds of groups and organisations, in much the same way that partners come together to help people who’ve been groomed by gangs or involved in sexual exploitation. 

Taking part in Channel doesn’t go on someone’s criminal record. It means getting the right kind of help for the person who needs support.

ACT Early (safeguarding website)

ACT Early is a dedicated safeguarding website and advice line from the specialists at Counter Terrorism policing.

There has been a rise in hateful extremism online which is making more people, particularly younger people, vulnerable to radicalisation and other forms of grooming. 

Parents, friends and families can now get specialist support to stop their loved ones being drawn into harmful activities or groups, with the launch of ACT Early - a new dedicated safeguarding website and advice line from the specialists at Counter Terrorism Policing (CTP). 

This new resource provides advice, guidance and support for anyone who is concerned that someone they know may be at risk from being radicalised by terrorists or extremist content online. 

For more information visit the ACT Early website [external link]. Telephone their support line on 0800 0113764

Visit the GOV.UK Prevent guidance page Get help if you’re worried about someone being radicalised [external link].

How to report a concern

You can report your concerns if you are worried about someone you know, or you want to report online material promoting terrorism or other concerns.

In an emergency where your own or others' safety is at risk call 999.

To make a prevent referral about someone you are worried about you can either;

You can also report a concern that someone may be getting drawn into extremism or terrorism by contacting the Darlington Safeguarding Partnership

  • Concerned about a child? Contact the ‘children’s initial advice team’ on 01325 406222
  • Concerned about an adult? Contact the ‘first point of contact team’ on 01325 406111
  • For the Out Of Hours Emergency Duty Team (children or adults) contact 01642 524552

If you are concerned that a person may do something to harm themselves and/or other people, you can call the Anti-Terrorist Hotline on 0800 789 321

You can report any illegal terrorist information, pictures, videos found on the internet through the Government's website [external link]

For more information follow the links to the documents and websites listed below.

If you have any comments about this page or Prevent in Darlington please email us at [email protected]

If you have complaints, concerns or feedback about the Prevent programme you can complete a form which will go to the UK Government's Prevent Standards and Compliance Unit (StaCU). for the form and find out more about StaCU.

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