What we do

Our control centre is working 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days of the year. We work to the highest standards. All control centre staff undergo a Disclosure and Barring Check (DBC) and hold a Security Industry Authority (SIA) license [external link] allows staff to operate CCTV cameras for third parties.
Access to the control centre is restricted. Any visits must be arranged in advance.
For more information please contact the CCTV duty manager Chris Stokoe, [email protected]
We coordinate operations with Durham Constabulary and other statutory enforcement partners. Over the years the CCTV operation has proved to be an essential tool in reducing crime and disorder in Darlington. The system makes use of a series of cameras installed at strategic locations in the Borough. Images are fed back to the control room based in the Town Hall. They are able to be live streamed to Durham Police HQ.
- We opened December 1994
- The system began with 37 cameras in the town centre, recording images on VHS tapes.
- We upgraded the control centre in 2006. Replacing the VHS recording storage system with digital recording storage. We also installed cameras in the parks and Firthmoor/Redhall estates. Taking the total number of cameras to 120.
- In 2017 we installed 17 more cameras in and around the town centre. These were provided by the Home Office Safer Streets 2 Fund.
- We also upgraded the camera control equipment and monitor wall in 2017. The upgrade gives an increased viewing area in the control centre.
- We upgraded all old analogue cameras with new digital cameras in 2024. This was through the council and supported by Durham Police and Crime Commissioner.
- CCTV monitoring of key council sites became integrated into the control centre. These sites include the:
- depots at Allington Way and Saltbarn,
- Feethams MSCP,
- Town Hall
- Dolphin Centre
- Crown Street Library
- Hopetown.
Taking the total number of cameras monitored by the control centre to over 250.
Over the years the service has changed from only monitoring CCTV. The service is now a true multi-platform package. This is why we refer to the control centre rather than CCTV.
Cameras are turned off, no one monitors them!
The cameras are recording 24/7 365 days a year. There are always two members of staff on duty at all times, working shifts of eight hours.
- 06:00hrs - 14:00hrs
- 14:00hrs - 22:00hrs
- 22:00hrs - 06:00hrs
The cameras never seem to catch incidents!
The cameras have been instrumental in providing evidence on many occasions. This is not always reported. The release of details and involvement could jeopardise any police investigation.
The Control Centre now provides:
- call handling service on behalf of Lifeline services
- management of the public space CCTV system
- access control system (the rising bollards on Duke Street, North Road and Blackwell Gate
- out of hours contact centre for all Council sections
- alarm receiving centre for external/internal clients
- management of Feethams MSCP access/exit systems and ticket machines
- communication hub for Civic Enforcement including Dog Warden, ASB and Parking
- management of Re-Deployable cameras to target ASB/Fly Tipping hotspots
- emergency contingencies planning and response
- management and central hub for shop/pub watch radio communications
- close working relationship with the police and emergency services
- partnership working with local businesses, emergency services, homeless charities and other organisations
- monitoring of lone worker systems
- crime and community safety issues
- a Single Point Of Contact (SPOC) for all CCTV within Darlington Borough Council.
- CCTV code of practice [pdf document]
- Data protection impact assessment [pdf document]
- Steps to comply with the 12 guiding principles [pdf document]
- Policy for redeployable cameras [pdf document]
- CCTV service quarterly report [pdf document]
- CCTV service annual report [pdf document]
- Policy for body worn cameras [pdf document]
- Information commissioners office [external link]
- Surveillance camera commissioner [external link]
- CCTV privacy notice
- Lifeline services
- Out of hours housing repairs
- Parking
- Civic enforcement