Workforce Development Training Directory
These pages are updated regularly. If you sign up for a MD+ account you can bookmark pages and you'll be notified of any updates.
- Diploma in Health & Social Care Levels 2 & 3 (Adults)
- Family Group Conference Service Briefing
- First Aid Training for Foster Carers
- Food Safety & Hygiene for Catering Level 2
- Food Safety & Hygiene - Level 2 (Refresher)
- Infection, Prevention & Control
- Liquid Logic
- People Handling Certificate (Moving & Handling of People)
- Practice Week - DAPS & CYPS
- Practice Week - Victim Support, IDCA & MASH Roles
- Practice Week - Exploring Domestic Violence in Private Law
- Practice Week - Darlington 4Kids Project
- Safeguarding Adults & Children
- Safe Handling of Medication Awareness
- Strengthening Families: Restorative Practice Online Awareness Session
- Team Teach
- Team Teach Refresher
- Youth Justice Awareness
Moving Forward Project
About Helen and the Moving Forward Project... my name is Helen and I have worked with victims of domestic abuse for over 10 years and I am a victim of domestic abuse myself. I have faced many challenges both professionally and personally and I have been on a journey where I wanted to make something of the experiences I have had. I was asked to help bridge a gap in services offered to domestic abuse victims and with the help of some amazing people who believed in me from the moment they met me, I was able to do this. Because there was such a long wait for services, victims were returning to relationship with their perpetrators without any support or any knowledge. I wanted to give victims belief and hope. I wanted to arm them with knowledge and strength so that if they do go back with their perpetrator they can protect themselves, emotionally as well as physically. I also wanted the people delivering services to get a feel of life for their victim so that they can show empathy as well as understanding and to give victims a different outlook on social workers and family workers so they know they are going to be safe if they need to reach out for help. This is where The Moving Forward Project was born. The programme uses workbooks to help workers understand and to offer meaningful support to victims. The training consists of 2 non consecutive days followed by a post course impact analysis & virtual check in. There are also additional sessions: The Children's Journey and Challenging Behaviour. Details as follows:
- Understanding Domestic Abuse (2 day course)
- The Children's Journey
- Challenging Behaviour
- Post Course Impact Analysis & Virtual Check in
Experts in Practice
Experts in Practice is an innovative and unique programme that supports the development and progression of staff. It enables us to create bespoke, research driven and needs led training and development programmes and resources for Darlington.
In partnership with the NIHR (National Institute for Health and Care Research) and Sunderland University, Darlington People Group train and support staff to become Social Care Research Ambassadors (SCRA), or as we call them here in Darlington, ‘Experts in Practice’. Our programme is different to any other SCRA programme in the country and has been cited as national good practice, with the NIHR promoting our ‘Experts in Practice’ approach to other Local Authorities across the country.
- What is ‘Experts in Practice’? – in Darlington we recognise that we have some extremely skilled and capable staff members who with guidance and support, help us to create and deliver their expert knowledge and skills to others. Many of these staff members have particular areas of practice interest, that with a little training, fine tuning and quality assuring are turned into an amazing and informative training programmes for others. ‘Experts in Practice’ is about recognising, enhancing and delivering that expertise to others through the development of internal training resources.
- Why ‘Experts in Practice’? – whilst providing bespoke, research led programmes of training and resources, Experts in Practice supports a number of key identified areas of need, including; recruitment and retention of staff, progression, staff feeling supported and valued, job satisfaction and ownership (including a sense of responsibility) and budget savings.
- What do Experts in Practice produce? – our Experts in Practice develop research led training programmes and resources for the workforce, e.g. Experts In Practice - Self Neglect [external website]
- Who can be an ‘Expert in Practice’? – a real positive in terms of who can be an ‘Expert in Practice’ is that, essentially any member of staff could potentially take up the role. Interest, expertise, and knowledge in a particular area of need, along with the support of internal leadership and management regarding the development and delivery of that specific area are key to staff becoming an ‘Expert in Practice’.
- EXIP Briefing - Autism in Older Adults
- Anxiety, Worry, Fears & Phobias Awareness
- Anxious About School
- Attachment Difficulties Awareness
- Attentional Difficulties (ADHD) Awareness
- Childhood Trauma & Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES) Awareness
- Deliberate Self Harm Awareness
- Eating Difficulties Awareness
- Low Mood & Depression Awareness
- Social & Communication Difficulties Awareness
Distance Learning
- Council for Disabled Children - SEND Basic Awareness Course
- Learning & Skills
- Community Care Inform - Learning Disability Resources
- North East & North Cumbria Programme for Alcohol Studies
- The MS Society - MS Awareness Course
- Zero Suicide Alliance