Are we making you happy
We are committed to ensuring that we and the services we provide meet the needs of Darlington's residents and visitors. We can only do this if we know what people want. This is why we carry out consultations and involve you in planning how our services operate in the future.
If you would like to provide us with any feedback about our service please complete our feedback form [online form, opens in new window]. You can also complete one of our feedback cards, which are available at all our venues or ask us to add to our feedback diaries.
We carry out daily consultation with our customers and record their feedback; this is then forwarded on to the relevant manager to consider.
4G Customer Service
Designed for this generation.
The team code is the standard that we expect ourselves to deliver when dealing with all customers.
1. Goal
‘We make customers happy’
2. Guarantee
We will always make eye contact and smile at every customer
We will always say please and thank you
We will always put the customer first and apologise for any wait
We will always aim to deliver outstanding standards
3. Get Product & Place Smart
Know our products and our people
Look for the opportunities to promote our products and services
We are smart and our business areas should always be smart
4. Give Feedback
Highlight when things go right and when they don’t
Be creative with ideas and innovation