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Community Care Inform

Community Care Inform is a fantastic resource available to DBC staff working with adults and children & families in Darlington. It provides a wealth of online resources created by sector experts enabling professionals to make robust, evidence based decisions and to keep on top of their CPD. It includes:

  • learning tools - podcasts, videos, webinars, group learning tools and case studies to support different learning styles
  • practice guidance - in-depth guides on a huge range and variety of topics as well as at a glance summaries and top tips
  • legal - summaries of the most significant cases with key points for practice plus comprehensive and accessible legislative guidance
  • research - the latest and most relevant social care research summarised, with key practice points highlighted.

You can also log each learning event you complete on the website in your own CPD log. You can also  record training accessed via other sources & you can easily download all of the information so you have an easily accessible record of your CPD.

World Social Work Day - 18 March 2025

Community Care Inform have finalised their plans to mark this important time for social workers. You are invited to take part and tune in to live online sessions and take a look at the resources on CC Inform which fit with this year’s theme: ‘strengthening intergenerational solidarity for enduring wellbeing’

CC Inform have created pages on their website to support users & where you can book places on the webinars & explore their range of resources:

World Social Work Day - 18 March 2025

A Restorative & Relational Approach to Working with Family, Culture & Community Webinar

  • Tuesday 18 March 2025 from 12.00-1.00pm
  • Facilitator: Paul Nixon

Combining theory, evidence, storytelling and practical tips and examples, this webinar will consider key concepts, principles, values and practice processes that move power and responsibility back to the family and community, building on cultural strengths and relationships. Paul’s concept ties in so perfectly with this years theme that this webinar is a must watch for all social workers & social care professionals whether you are working in adults or children's services.

Learning points:

  • practical tips for individual practitioners to deliver restorative practice
  • resolving difficulties and repairing harm when relationships break down
  • innovative uses of FGCs at different stages of safeguarding concerns and with children, families & adults in different circumstances

About Paul: Paul works as a Consultant with government and non-government agencies and universities across Oceania, Europe and North America. During this one-hour webinar, Paul will use his passion for restorative practice and working with families to explore how restorative and relational practice incorporates family, culture and community into decision making, resolving conflicts and creating lasting social and relational change.

To book please click on one of the following links:

Creating an Inclusive Work Environment for Neurodivergent Social Workers - Live Webinar

  • Wednesday 26 March 2025, 11 am to 12 noon
  • Facilitator: Jenni Guthrie

Join CC Inform's upcoming free live webinar to enhance your understanding of neurodivergence and to build your knowledge and confidence in working neuro-inclusively with your neurodivergent colleagues.
During this one-hour session our expert speaker, Jenni Guthrie, will discuss some of the strengths and challenges of being a neurodivergent social worker. They will consider how neurodivergent experiences may intersect with other identities and look at how colleagues, managers and organisations can develop inclusive processes and practice within social work and social care organisations. 

Speaker: Jenni Guthrie, Social Work Educator & Researcher, Lead for BASW Neurodivergent Social Workers (Student & NQSW) Special Interest Group and Co-director of Neuro Inclusive Solutions.

To book please click on the following link: Eventbrite [external website]

When you arrive on the event booking page you will see the tickets marked as £35. As a Community Care Inform Children subscriber you are eligible to attend for free. Simply follow the online instructions and enter the following promo code when prompted:  Inform260325 

In the Spotlight

Children’s Social Care Reforms

Our new guide to the reforms provides clear information about the wide-ranging changes initiated by the last government and being taken forward in new law and policy by Labour. Keep on top of what has changed, what is being piloted in different areas and when key measures will be rolled out nationally.

Topics covered include the merging of nearly help and child-in-need provision into ‘family help’, the increased focus on kinship care and family network involvement, support for care leavers, new roles in child protection, the five year ‘early career framework’ and other changes affecting practitioners, managers and leaders. To view click on the following link: CCI [external website]

What would support you working with neglect?

We’re planning updates to our popular Neglect Knowledge & Practice Hub. We’d love your input to help us make it even more useful. If there are resources or specific aspects of practice in relation to neglect that you’d like to see covered, or have worked on challenging neglect cases and struggled to find helpful guidance, we’d really like to hear about it.

Please email [email protected] to share your thoughts or set up a call to discuss. 

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