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Good news stories

Kwesi and Celestine

Over the course of the last year Ted Fletcher resident Kwesi had health issues which meant that his once perfect flat no longer met his needs.

Kwesi’s family who include Celestine who volunteers in the Kitchen at Ted Fletcher court and two sons, one of which has just graduated from University love the area but were left in a difficult position due to the change circumstances.

When the opportunity came along for the Kwesi’s current Housing Officer Amanda to recommend the family to be considered for an adapted family home at Cockerton the stars aligned. Amanda along with Alex, the housing officer at Northstar worked together, showcasing the strong relationships between Housing Associations in Darlington.

The whole family are now excited to move into there new property and it will give Kwesi the opportunity to thrive in this new property.

Housing Connect is for everyone!

Darlington Borough Council Housing Team pride themselves on being inclusive to all our tenants.

Whilst visiting a tenant regarding adaptations to their property, Tenant Involvement Officer Sara discovered that Cockerton resident Mrs Smith had been missing out on reading the Housing Connect Magazine due to a medical condition.

The Tenant Involvement Team researched what other options were available. After liaising with Darlington Talking Newspaper a solution was found via an audio version on CD, as Mrs Smith did not have access to online.

Sara and her colleague Matthew went to visit Mrs Smith and told her the good news. Mrs Smith was delighted and was looking forward to her first edition on CD.

As well as Housing Connect, Mrs Smith will also be sent further publications about local Darlington News via CD to her door by Darlington Talking Newspaper.

Attendance Allowance

Man sitting at computer

Many of our tenants are eligible for Attendance Allowance without necessarily knowing how to apply meaning that they miss out on vital finances if they have reached State Pension age and need help with personal care.

At Branksome Hall Drive scheme manager Lorraine heard about Attendance Allowance and approached a few of her tenants who she thought would benefit from it.
Lorraine along with Age UK helped with filling out forms and encouraged people to apply from the scheme.

As a result of her persistence one of the tenants was awarded the full allowance which enabled him to get a computer and internet.

‘One gentleman can now do his online shopping giving him more choice, variety and price and it is all delivered to his door. As he is housebound it has opened up a window to Google and You Tube to search for topics and interests he enjoys such as jet planes and war history. The difference it will make to help him live independently for longer and follow more of his interests is only part of how getting Attendance Allowance can help improve how someone can live’ Lorraine Glenning Scheme Manager

Branksome Hall Drive Defibrillator

In September 2023 Tenants of Branksome Hall Drive celebrated becoming the first Darlington Borough Council scheme in Darlington to purchase a potentially life-saving Defibrillator machine thanks mainly to fundraising at the scheme.

Tenants along with their Scheme Managers Loraine Glenning and Penny Ivison and Housing Officer Linda Johnston campaigned tirelessly for the Defibrillator to be installed and a combination of the scheme's fantastic fundraising and a contribution from the Community Engagement fund made it happen with over £900 being raised by tenants at August’s garden party

Defibrillators are devices that apply an electric charge or current to the heart to restore a normal heartbeat.

‘We are proud of the tenants from Branksome Hall Drive for the fundraising they have achieved to buy our very own Defib. We are the first scheme to have our very own machine and I am so proud of what has been achieved through great teamwork.' Scheme Manager Lorraine Glenning.

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