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The Regulator of Social Housing and the Housing Ombudsman

The Regulator of Social Housing

The Regulator of Social Housing (RSH) regulates all social housing providers to help ensure they are able to deliver quality homes and services for current and future tenants.

They do this by setting standards and carrying out robust regulation focusing on improvement in social landlords, including local authorities. They take appropriate action if we do not meet their standards.

Following an expansion of their powers, from 1 April 2024, they have begun carrying out regulatory inspections of social landlords such as us.

The Regulator’s consumer objectives are:

  • To support the provision of social housing that is well-managed, safe, energy efficient and of appropriate quality.
  • To ensure that actual or potential tenants of social housing have an appropriate degree of choice and protection.
  • To ensure that tenants of social housing have the opportunity to be involved in its management and hold their landlords to account
  • To ensure that registered providers act in a transparent manner in relation to their tenants of social housing.
  • To encourage social housing providers to contribute to the environmental, social and economic well-being of the areas in which the housing is situated.

If you would like to find out more information about the Regulator of Social Housing please visit their dedicated web pages [external link].

The Housing Ombudsman

The Housing Ombudsman is an independent, impartial, and free service for social housing residents.

They make the final decision on disputes between residents and landlords that are registered members of its Scheme. All local authorities and registered social housing providers are members of the Housing Ombudsman Scheme. 

They work to strengthen internal complaints procedures and encourage landlords to learn from complaints to prevent service failures being repeated.

They also work with the Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman (LGSCO), the New Homes Ombudsman, and the Regulator of Social Housing, under a Memorandum of Understanding, to agree a common approach to collaborative working.

If you would like to find out more about the Housing Ombudsman, including their contact details, please visit their website [external link].

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