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Aids and adaptations to your home

The Council is committed to ensuring that aids and adaptations are accessible to all residents, including our tenants.

We are committed to ensuring that we do everything reasonably possible to ensure that our tenants can live independently in their homes for as long as possible. We aim to ensure that our tenants are aware of the range of options if we are unable for any reason to adapt their current home and to deliver a cost-effective service.

We will work in partnership with agencies including Occupational Therapists, NHS, Housing Asset Surveyors, GPs to ensure that we carry out effective, long-term adaptations that meet tenant’s current and future needs and provide value for money.

It is not always possible for us to adapt a tenant’s current or prospective home and we will work closely with them to find suitable, alternative accommodation when this occurs. We will do everything we can to support tenants through the re-housing process.

Applications for adaptations are assessed on a case by case basis and we will take the following into account:

  • Availability of other suitable accommodation within the Borough
  • Individual circumstances and local connections
  • Future needs of the tenant
  • Location of the property
  • Type of property
  • Suitability of property for adaptation
  • Accessibility
  • Cost of adaptation


There are 2 types of home adaptations:

  • Minor adaptations which include rails, half-steps, door entry systems
  • Major adaptations which are larger alterations including ramps, stairlifts, through floor lifts, level access showers, widening of paths or doors


Mobility Scooters 

We will assess each application for an access ramp for mobility scooters on a case- by case basis. We will consider not (exhaustive):

  • Location of property
  • Size of scooter
  • Type of property
  • Space for suitable turning
  • Medical reasons for request
  • Extent of work required, including whether any structural work

It is not always possible for us to adapt a tenant’s current or prospective home for a scooter, and we will work closely with them to find suitable alternative accommodation when this occurs.

Mobility scooters should be stored in a safe manner and not cause an obstruction or a trip hazard either inside or outside. Mobility scooters are not to be stored in internal or external communal areas.  All mobility scooters should have appropriate insurance and be in good working order.

Some of our sheltered schemes have limited space for scooter storage. There maybe a waiting lost for a space and therefore, tenants should not purchase a scooter before seeking permission from Housing Services to ensure there is available space.

More information can be found in our leaflet about Adaptations in your home. [pdf document]

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