Our Structure
What is the management structure of Housing Services?
Housing Services are part of the Operations Group and are responsible for the day-to-day and strategic management of over 5300 Council owned homes as well as the Council’s Housing Options team who provide homeless prevention support and advice. The senior management team comprises of:
Elizabeth Davison – Group Director of Operations
Anthony Sandys - Assistant Director Housing and Revenues
Claire Gardner-Queen - Head of Housing
What teams are part of Housing Services?
Housing Services is made up of the following specialist teams:
- Housing Options - This team includes:
- The Housing Options team who provides signposting, advice and support to individuals who are at risk of homelessness or who have become homeless.
- The Housing Allocation team who are responsible for maintaining our housing waiting list through Darlington HomeSearch.
- Housing Tenancy Management – This team includes:
- The Tenancy Management team who are responsible for day-to-day tenancy management which includes building tenant involvement, allocating properties, estate inspections and carrying out regular tenancy visits.
- The Tenant Involvement team supports tenants to be more involved, organise events, maintain our social media and web content and support the Tenants Panel groups.
- The Housing Plus team who provide an intensive tenancy management service to our more vulnerable tenants to assist them to maintain and sustain their tenancy.
- The Tenancy Enforcement team investigate and take action around anti-social behaviour in our communities.
- The Refugee Support team provides support and assistance to refugees and asylum seekers in Darlington.
- Housing Surveying Team who are responsible for carrying out surveying our homes for responsive repairs, completing stock condition surveys, and organising our planned maintenance programs.
- Housing Building Maintenance Team who carries out our Repairs and Maintenance functions including Voids, IPM (Kitchens, Bathrooms and Central Heating) works. It includes the operatives that complete repairs on your homes and the Planners who book in all repairs to Council homes.
- Housing Income Management Team are responsible for income collection from current and former tenants for rent, service charges and rechargeable works. The wider Income team includes the Tenancy Sustainment team who are specialists in supporting tenants with welfare benefits and budgeting and the Housing Accounts team who are responsible for the administration of all invoicing, processing of refunds and managing our low-cost home ownership options.
- Housing Contact Team who provides the initial telephone, digital tenancy, and email service when you contact us by email, phone or through Darlington Home Online.
- Housing Asset and Compliance Team who are responsible for asset management, climate change, ICT, compliance, Housing complaints, performance, and data quality.
- Lifeline team which includes Scheme Managers for our sheltered and extra care schemes and Response Officers who provide a 24/7, 365 service to Darlington residents*.
*please note that Lifeline is a chargeable service which is available to any Darlington resident and not only Council tenants.
How to contact us
There are several ways you can contact us:
- Using your Darlington Home Online account. Register for a Darlington Home Online account[external link] orlog in to your account[external link]. More information on your Darlington Home Online account.
- Emailing [email protected]
- Calling us on 01325 405333
Any emergency repairs can be reported to 01325 405333 24/7 365 days a year.
What if I am not satisfied with the response?
We hope that we can work together with our residents and listen to their voices and resolve any problems, but if you are unhappy with the response from the Housing team we have a complaints procedure you can follow and you can contact our Complaints Team by:
- using their online complaints form
- emailing: [email protected]
- calling the Complaints team on 01325 406777