Design and Access Statements
Design and Access Statements (DAS) are required for:
- major developments (full and outline)
- listed building applications
- developments within a conservation area for the provision of new dwelling(s), or a building where the floor space created is 100m2 or more.
What is its purpose?
The purpose of the Statement is to demonstrate three different aspects. Those aspects are design, access and sustainability. The Statement should fully illustrate or describe the appropriate details. It will need to explain and justify what is being proposed.
It should:
- provide proof of the design process with attention to detail
- justify the proposed design elements
- show provision has been made for vehicles and inclusive access
- show that sustainability and the renewable energy matrix have been addressed
What should it include?
The design component
This should show assessment, involvement, evaluation and design activities for the following characteristics:
- land use
- amount
- layout
- scale
- landscaping
- appearance
The access component
This should identify transport links, integration with public transport and provision for inclusive access regardless of age, disability, ethnicity or social grouping.
The sustainability component
This should illustrate how the appropriate Code for Sustainable Homes or BREEAM standard has been met with respect to the following key issues:
- reuse of land and buildings
- maximising the use of natural systems
- conserving energy, materials and water resources
- reducing the impacts of noise, pollution and microclimate effects
- ensuring developments are comfortable and secure
- conserving and enhancing the natural environment and biodiversity
- promoting sustainable waste
promoting sustainable construction
The renewable energy matrix
The renewable energy matrix [pdf document] should be completed for major developments. These developments include 10 dwellings or 1000m2 of non-residential floorspace. It needs to explain the chosen technologies that will be used and how they will be included into the design.
There are special requirements for applications on heritage assets. Such as listed buildings and conservation areas.
Further guidance
Preparing Heritage and Design and Access Statements v3.6 [pdf document]
This page was last updated on 21 February 2025