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Skerningham Garden Village Design Code SPD

Adoption as a Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)

The Skerningham Garden Village Design Code was adopted by Darlington Borough Council on 28th September 2023:

The Design Code

View: Skerningham Garden Village Design Code [pdf document]


The Design Code SPD sets out the design approach and principles for the Skerningham Site Allocation in the Darlington Local Plan 2016 -2036. The Design Code aims to ensure Skerningham is a distinctive, attractive and successful Garden Community in which to live and work.

The Design Code SPD was developed as part of the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities’ (DLUHC) Design Code Pathfinder Programme. Skerningham was one of twenty-five areas in England selected, with the ambition of producing exemplar design codes from which others can learn best practice. The Skerningham Garden Village Design Code was therefore produced with expert input from DLUHC, the Office for Place, and the Design Council.

How will the Design Code SPD be used?

Policy H10 of the Local Plan sets out two uses for the Design Code SPD:

  1. The developer led masterplan for Skerningham Garden Village should be based upon the design approach and principles set out in the SPD.
  2. To ensure a cohesive development is delivered at Skerningham the Council will only approve planning applications at the site that adhere with the Design Code SPD and the other requirements of Policy H10.  

Creating the Design Code

Creating a design code for Skerningham was a requirement of the Local Plan. The Council commissioned an independent organisation called Designe to create the Design Code.

You can read about Designe and the Council’s public engagement process and consultations on the Design Code in the Consultation Statement at the top of this page.

The following guidance was used in the creation of the Design Code:


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