Skerningham Garden Village
The Local Plan requires a comprehensive masterplan for the development of Skerningham Garden Village.
The masterplan informs the mix of uses, layout, scale and design, the provision of local and strategic infrastructure (including social and community facilities) and the phasing of the proposed development.
The masterplan is not a council document. It is produced by the site developers. However, the council is required to agree that the document is consistent with Local Plan Policy H10 and with the Skerningham Design Code.
Cabinet agreed the masterplan on 3rd December 2024.
Cabinet minutes [link]
The masterplan is not a fixed document – it will be reviewed as necessary. However, any changes made to the masterplan must return to cabinet to be agreed.
Skerningham Masterplan [pdf document, 26MB]
The Skerningham Garden Village Design Code SPD can be viewed on the Supplementary Planning Documents page.