Darlington Station Gateway compulsory purchase order 2021
On this page you can find the documents and maps relating to the compulsory purchase order of land required for the Darlington Station Gateway scheme.
- CPO1 Darlington Station Gateway CPO - Order Map [pdf document]
- CPO2 Darlington Station Gateway CPO - Sealed Order [pdf document]
- CPO8 Notice of Confirmation of Compulsory Purchase Order [pdf document]
- CPO9 Compulsory Purchase Order Decision [pdf document]
Some of these documents may not be fully readable to users of assistive technology.
If you do have trouble viewing these please email [email protected] for assistance.
- General vesting declaration [pdf document]
- Notice of making general vesting declaration [pdf document]
- General vesting declaration map [pdf document]
- Appendices A and B [pdf document]
- Statement of Reasons - Darlington Station Gateway CPO [pdf document]
- Gateway appendix 1 Block Plan, Location of Scheme [pdf document]
- Gateway appendix 2 Block Plan, Proposed Facilities [pdf document]
- Gateway appendix 3 Plan, Scheme Overlay SGMSCP-NAP-Z1-ZZ-DR-A-00002-P4_CPO Boundaries [pdf document]
- Gateway appendix 4 Plan, Proposed MSCP & Interchange [pdf document]
- Gateway appendix 5a Plan, MSCP Site, Option 2D SGMSCP-NAP-Z1-00-DR-A-00402-P6 [pdf document]
- Gateway appendix 5b Plan, MSCP Level 00-01, Option 2D SGMSCP-NAP-Z1-00-DR-A-01400-P5 [pdf document]
- Gateway appendix 6 Plan, Proposed Improvements Gateway West [pdf document]
- Gateway appendix 7 Highway Adoption and Proposals Gateway East [pdf document]
- Gateway appendix 8 Transport Scoping Document 271076-ARP-REP-TRA-1 [pdf document]
- Gateway appendix 9 Historic England Listing Map [pdf document]
AA1 Statement of case (acquiring authority) Darlington Station Gateway CPO [pdf document]
- CPO2 Darlington Station Gateway CPO - Sealed Order [pdf document]
- CPO1 Darlington Station Gateway CPO - Order Map [pdf document]
- CPO3 Darlington Station Gateway CPO - CABINET REPORT [pdf document]
- CPO4 Minute of Cabinet Resolution, 12th January 2021 [pdf document]
- CPO5 Statement of Reasons [pdf document]
- CPO6 Station Gateway, Appendices to Statement of Reasons [pdf document]
- CD17 Outline Business Case Darlington Station v1.0 24012020 [pdf document]
- CD16 A Vision for Darlington 2025 (Masterplan) [pdf document]
- SD8 Scheme overlay, showing adopted highways etc [pdf document]
- SD9 Gateway East Planning Officer report [pdf document]
- CD23 Gateway East - Planning Permission 2100688DC [pdf document]
- SD11 Design and Access Statement (Gateway East) Part 1 [pdf document]
- SD11a Design and Access Statement (Gateway East) Part 2 [pdf document]
- SD11b Design and Access Statement (Gateway East) Part 3 [pdf document]
- SD12 Transport assessment part 1 [pdf document]
- SD12a Transport assessment part 2 [pdf document]
- SD13 General site plan [pdf document]
- SD14 MSCP site plan [pdf document]
- SD15 Landscape general arrangement [pdf document]
- SD16 Areas of highway to be stopped-up and created [pdf document]
- SD17 Heritage statement (Gateway East) [pdf document]
- SD18 Non-motorised user plans [pdf document]
- SD19 SYSTRA MSCP demand study (Gateway East) [pdf document]
- SD20 Works general arrangement [pdf document]
- SD21 Demolition plan [pdf document]
- SD22 Station improvements, CPO plot overlay [pdf document]
- SD23 Gateway East, Proposed access arrangements [pdf document]
- SD24a Swept path analysis of Garbutt Square [pdf document]
- SD24b Swept path analysis of Garbutt Square [pdf document]
- CD24 Gateway West Planning Permission 2100691DC [pdf document]
- SD26 Planning Officer report (Gateway West) [pdf document]
- SD27 Gateway West design & access statement [pdf document]
- SD28 Highway engineering layout [pdf document]
- SD29 Heritage statement (Gateway West) [pdf document]
- SD30 Amended landscape masterplan [pdf document]
- SD31 Gateway West additional appendices [pdf document]
- SD31a Gateway West, vehicle tracking [pdf document]
- SD32 LBC location plan and elevation plans [pdf document]
- CD25 Listed Building Consent, Gateway West [pdf document]
- SD34 Local Plan 1997 including alterations (2001) [pdf document]
- SD34a Local Plan Saved Policy Schedule (2007) [pdf document]
- SD35 Darlington Core Strategy 2011 [pdf document]
- SD36 Extracts from emerging Darlington Local Plan 2016-2036 (2020) [pdf document]
- SD37 National planning policy framework July 2021 [pdf document]
- CD18 Updated Business Case Darlington Station (July 2021) [pdf document]
- SD39 Letter from Department for Transport 22 July 2021 [pdf document]
- SD41 Planning application consultation report [pdf document]
- SD42 Stopping up plan [pdf document]
- SD42a NE-4865-Draft 247 order [pdf document]
- SD42b NE-4865-247 notice [pdf document]
- SD45 List of statutory undertakers served with notice of Darlington gateway CPO [pdf document]
The following documents are excluded from public disclosure
- SD38a-d (appendices, excluded from public disclosure - confidentiality)
- SD40 Equality Impact Assessment under the Equality Act 2010 (excluded from public disclosure - GDPR requirements)
- SD43 Qualifying Land Interests: Status of Acquisitions (excluded from public disclosure - GDPR concerns)
- SD44 List of objections and status of negotiations (excluded from public disclosure, GDPR concerns and confidentiality)
Section 247 Stopping Up (NATTRAN/NE/S247/4865) – Proofs of Evidence
- DC 1-7 Stopping Up Order [pdf document]
- DC Proof David Colley Section 247 Stopping Up Order (Necessity) [pdf document]
Darlington Station Gateway CPO 2021 (APP/PCU/CPOP/N1350/3271399) - Witness Proofs of evidence
- AA4 Proof of Evidence of Jonathan Spruce [pdf document]
- AA5 Appendices JS1 and JS2 to the Proof of Jonathan Spruce [pdf document]
- AA6 Proof of Evidence of Tom Bryant [pdf document]
- AA15 Proof of Evidence of Ian Stewart [pdf document]
- AA16 Appendices 1 and 2 to the Proof of Evidence of Ian Stewart [pdf document]
- AA7 Proof of Evidence of Dominic Waugh [pdf document]
- AA8 Appendices DW1 to DW8 to the Proof of Evidence of Dominic Waugh [pdf document]
- AA17 Proof of Evidence of David Colley [pdf document]
- AA18 Appendices DC1 and DC2 to the Proof of Evidence of David Colley [pdf document]
- AA19 Proof of Evidence of Richard Adamson [pdf document]
- AA9 Proof of Evidence of Graeme Dodd [pdf document]
- AA10 Appendix GDA to the Proof of Evidence of Graeme Dodd [pdf document]
- AA11 Appendix GDB to the Proof of Evidence of Graeme Dodd [pdf document]
- AA12 Appendix GDC to the Proof of Evidence of Graeme Dodd [pdf document]
- AA13 Appendix GDD to the Proof of Evidence of Graeme Dodd [pdf document]
- AA14 Appendix GDE to the Proof of Evidence of Graeme Dodd [pdf document]
The following documents are excluded from public disclosure
- Plot 43 - Statement: Dynamic Transport Planning Ltd [pdf document]
- Plot 43 - Objection Submissions [pdf document]
These documents are created from images. If you have trouble reading the documents please email [email protected] for assistance.
Guide to participating in a Planning Inspectorate virtual event - GOV.UK [external link]
Event dates
Tuesday 18 January
- 10:00 start with the Teams webinar accessible from 09:50 to test access to the lobby.
- Attendees will be admitted from the lobby very shortly before 10:00.
- Microsoft Teams meeting
Join on your computer or mobile app
Or call in (audio only)
+44 20 3321 5200,,563435972# United Kingdom, London
Phone Conference ID: 563 435 972#
Wednesday 19 January – start time TBC by the Inspector
- Timings subject to change by Inspector
- Microsoft Teams meeting
Join on your computer or mobile app
Or call in (audio only)
+44 20 3321 5200,,526868305#
Phone Conference ID: 526 868 305#
Thursday 20 January
- Timings subject to change by Inspector
- Microsoft Teams meeting
Join on your computer or mobile app
Or call in (audio only)
+44 20 3321 5200,,520978697#
Phone Conference ID: 520 978 697#
Friday 21 January
- Timings subject to change by Inspector
- Microsoft Teams meeting
Join on your computer or mobile app
Or call in (audio only)
+44 20 3321 5200,,751778081#
Phone Conference ID: 751 778 081#
1 Legislation
- L1 Acquisition of Land Act 1981 [pdf document]
- L2 Town and Country Planning Act 1990, Part IX [pdf document]
- L3 Town and Country Planning Act 1990, Part X [pdf document]
- L4 The Compulsory Purchase of Land (Prescribed Forms) (Ministers) Regulations 2004 [pdf document]
- L5 The Compulsory Purchase (Inquiries Procedure) Rules 2007 [pdf document]
- L6 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965 [pdf document]
- L7 Land Compensation Act 1961, section 6D [pdf document]
- L8 Land Compensation Act 1973 [pdf document]
Core documents
2 Guidance
- CD1 Guidance on Compulsory Purchase Process and The Crichel Down Rules (DHCLG, 2019) [pdf document]
- CD2 Coronavirus (COVID-19) - Compulsory Purchase Guidance [pdf document]
- CD3 Technical Guidance on the Public Sector Equality Duty in England [pdf document]
- CD4 Planning and GDPR, PAS Guide [pdf document]
3 Planning and policy documents
- CD5 Darlington Local Plan 1997 (with Alterations 2001) [pdf document]
- CD6 Darlington Local Plan 1997- index of superseded policies [pdf document]
- CD7 Darlington Core Strategy 2011 [pdf document]
- CD8 Darlington Proposed Submission Local Plan 2016-2036 [pdf document]
- CD9 Darlington Proposed Submission Local Plan Policies Map 2016-2036 [pdf document]
- CD10 National Planning Policy Framework (DHCLG, July 2021) [pdf document]
4 Strategic rail and transport policy documents
- CD11 TVCA Connecting the Tees Valley, 2016 [pdf document]
- CD12 Tees Valley Strategic Transport Plan 2020-2030 [pdf document]
- CD13 One Darlington Perfectly Placed (Community Strategy For Darlington 2008-2026) [pdf document]
- CD14 Darlington Third Local Transport Plan, 2011-2026 [pdf document]
- CD15 Transport for the North Strategic Transport Plan, 2019 [pdf document, 45MB]
5 Business case
- CD16 A Vision for Darlington 2025 (Masterplan) [pdf document]
- CD17 Outline Business Case Darlington Station v1.0 24012020 [pdf document]
- CD18 Updated Business Case Darlington Station (July 2021) [pdf document]
- CD19 Appendix A to UBC - Excluded From Public Disclosure - Confidentiality
- CD20 Appendix B to UBC - Excluded From Public Disclosure - Confidentiality
- CD21 Appendix C to UBC - Excluded From Public Disclosure - Confidentiality
- CD22 Appendix D to UBC - Excluded From Public Disclosure - Confidentiality
6 Permissions and consents
- CD23 Gateway East - Planning Permission 2100688DC [pdf document]
- CD24 Gateway West Planning Permission 2100691DC [pdf document]
- CD25 Listed Building Consent, Gateway West [pdf document]
7 Compulsory purchase order (CPO) documents
- CPO1 Darlington Station Gateway CPO - Order Map [pdf document]
- CPO2 Darlington Station Gateway CPO - Sealed Order [pdf document]
- CPO3 Darlington Station Gateway CPO - Cabinet report [pdf document]
- CPO4 Minute of Cabinet Resolution, 12th January 2021 [pdf document]
- CPO5 Statement of Reasons [pdf document]
- CPO6 Station Gateway, Appendices to Statement of Reasons [pdf document]
- CPO7 Notices and Certificates Bundle
- CPO7a Notice to Qualifying Interest [pdf document]
- CPO7b Notice to Unknown Owner [pdf document]
- CPO7c Press Notice [pdf document]
- CPO7d Site Notice [pdf document]
- CPO7e General Certificate [pdf document]
- CPO7f Protected Assets Certificate [pdf document]
Objections to the CPO
8 List of remaining objectors and objection letters
- Obj0 List of Remaining Objectors [pdf document]
- Obj1 M S Dhatt and N Kaur (plot 12) – Excluded From Public Disclosure - Confidentiality
- Obj2 United Parking Ltd (plot 27) – Excluded From Public Disclosure - Confidentiality
- Obj3 Dewton Ltd (plots 27 and 28) – Excluded From Public Disclosure - Confidentiality
- Obj4 P Million and A Watson (Plot 43) – Excluded From Public Disclosure - Confidentiality
- Obj5 Northern Powergrid
Core documents submitted by objectors
No documents currently
Inquiry documents
9 Authority's inquiry documents
- AA1 Statement of case (acquiring authority) Darlington Station Gateway CPO [pdf document]
- AA2 List of Statement of Case Supporting Documents [pdf document]
- AA3 Statement of Case Supporting Documents (See Statement of Case section above)
Proof of evidence Jonathan Spruce and appendices:
- AA4 Proof of Evidence of Jonathan Spruce [pdf document]
- AA5 Appendices JS1 and JS2 to the Proof of Jonathan Spruce [pdf document]
Proof of evidence Tom Bryant:
AA6 Proof of Evidence of Tom Bryant [pdf document]
Proof of evidence Dominic Waugh and appendices:
- AA7 Proof of Evidence of Dominic Waugh [pdf document]
- AA8 Appendices DW1 to DW8 to the Proof of Evidence of Dominic Waugh [pdf document]
Proof of evidence Graeme Dodd and appendices:
- AA9 Proof of Evidence of Graeme Dodd [pdf document]
- AA10 Appendix GDA to the Proof of Evidence of Graeme Dodd [pdf document]
- AA11 Appendix GDB to the Proof of Evidence of Graeme Dodd [pdf document]
- AA12 Appendix GDC to the Proof of Evidence of Graeme Dodd [pdf document]
- AA13 Appendix GDD to the Proof of Evidence of Graeme Dodd [pdf document]
- AA14 Appendix GDE to the Proof of Evidence of Graeme Dodd [pdf document]
Proof of evidence Ian Stewart and appendices
- AA15 Proof of Evidence of Ian Stewart [pdf document]
- AA16 Appendices 1 and 2 to the Proof of Evidence of Ian Stewart [pdf document]
Proof of evidence David Colley and appendices
- AA17 Proof of Evidence of David Colley [pdf document]
- AA18 Appendices DC1 and DC2 to the Proof of Evidence of David Colley [pdf document]
Proof of evidence Richard Adamson and appendices
- AA19 Proof of Evidence of Richard Adamson [pdf document]
- AA20 Appendices RTA1 and RTA2 to the Proof of Evidence of Richard Adamson - Excluded From Public Disclosure - Confidentiality
AA21 List of Acquiring Authority Proofs and Appendices [pdf document]
Opening submissions
- AA22 Darlington CPO Opening Submissions [pdf document]
- AA23 Darlington BC List of Appearances [pdf document]
Closing submissions
No documents currently
10 Objectors’ inquiry documents
- Obj 1 M S Dhatt and N Kaur (plot 12) - No Documents Currently
- Obj2 United Parking Ltd (plot 27) - No Documents Currently
- Obj3 Dewton Ltd (plots 27 and 28) - No Documents Currently
- Obj4 P Million and A Watson (Plot 43) - No Documents Currently
- Obj 4.1 Nicola Allan, Submissions – on webpage Public Inquiry Objector Submissions
- Obj 4.
2 DTP Statement - on webpage Public Inquiry Objector Submissions
- Obj5 Northern Powergrid - no documents currently
11 Other representations
Late Objections
No documents currently
Supporting representations
- SUP1 Network Rail Letter of support for Darlington Station Gateway Scheme [pdf document]
- SUP2 LNER Letter of support for Darlington Station Gateway Scheme [pdf document]
- SUP3 Darlington Association on Disability Letter of Support for Darlington Station Gateway Scheme [pdf document]
- SUP4 Transpennine Express Letter of Support [pdf document]
- SUP5 Tees Valley Mayor Letter of Support for Darlington Station Gateway Scheme [pdf document]
- SUP6 Northern Trains Ltd Letter of Support [pdf document]