Funded Childcare for 2 Year Olds
If you are enquiring about the NEW Funded Childcare Entitlement for Working Parents of 9 Months to 2 Year Olds, please visit the Childcare Choices website to apply
The online checker only checks against benefits/income related elements of the eligibility criteria for a funded childcare place for a 2 year old, it does not check against the following non-income based criteria, children who:
- have a current statement of Special Educational Needs (SEN) or an Education, Health and Care Plan
- attract Disability Living Allowance
- have left care under a Special Guardianship Order, a Child Arrangements Order which specifies with whom the child lives or an Adoption Order
- are looked after by a local Council.
If you believe you meet any of these non-income based criteria and your child is in a childcare setting then please speak with your childcare provider who will be able to confirm your eligibility upon receipt of your supporting documentation. If you believe you meet any of these non-income based criteria for a funded childcare place for a 2 year old and your child is not already in a childcare setting, please contact the Families Information Team on 01325 406222 (option 7) or by e-mailing [email protected]. They will then be able to confirm whether you are eligible and provide you with the supporting documentation to enable you to approach your chosen childcare provider to request your funded place.
If you are a childcare provider or a school and are using the online checker on behalf of the parent/carer, you will need their consent to run this check.
Please note - you can only check if you are eligible up to one term in advance of when your child would start on the funding.