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Children and Young People’s Plan (CYPP)?

What is the Children and Young People’s Plan (CYPP)?

The CYPP is one of the key plans within Darlington Councils overarching plan - the Council Plan, and it identifies what actions will be taken to help deliver the best start in life for every child living in Darlington.

The CYPP is the shared vision for everyone working with or for children and young people in Darlington. It has been developed following consultation and engagement with children and young people from across the Borough. The CYPP is a partnership plan which shows how organisations and agencies in Darlington will work together collectively to improve outcomes for all children and young people in Darlington.

The organisations involved in supporting this plan meet regularly (as a Steering Group) to talk about what needs to be done to support children and young people living in Darlington.  The organisations who are part of this group include:

  • Darlington Borough Council
  • NHS partners from the Integrated Care Board, primary care (GPs) and hospital trusts (County Durham and Darlington NHS Foundation Trust and Tees Esk and Wear NHS Foundation Trust)
  • Local schools and colleges
  • Police
  • Fire Brigade
  • Parent Carer Forum
  • Darlington Hippodrome
  • Voluntary and Community Sector Organisations including Healthwatch, YMCA, Family Action, Blue Cabin, Darlington Mind and Youth Focus North East

We have looked at local information about children and young people and have spoken to children and young people who live in Darlington about what is working well and what needs to be improved.  As a result, 5 priorities have been identified.

Our Local Priorities for Children and Young People:

  1. Health (being as healthy as possible)
  2. Education (schools and learning)
  3. Family and carers (life support and growing towards independence) 
  4. Employment, training and real opportunities
  5. Darlington (being part of your community, activities and opportunities, and your environment) 

What we want to do

Health (Being as healthy as possible)

We want to work towards improving the emotional health and well being of children and young people, increasing the number of children and young people involved in physical activity and supporting children, young people (and their families) to maintain healthy weight, avoid drinking alcohol and avoid or stop smoking or vaping.

Education (Schools and learning)

We want to make sure that all children (especially those who need extra support) are ready to start school and are able to realise their full potential by not avoiding going to school or being expelled from school. 

Family and carers (life support and growing towards independence) 

We know from talking to children and young people that their relationship with their family, how adults behave and their relationship with friends is really important and affects their health and wellbeing.  We are also aware that the cost of living crisis has affected families and will work to help families who are struggling as a result. 

Employment, training and real opportunities

We want to support children’s journeys into a secure adulthood where they can have training and work experience and can be supported to find jobs which are rewarding

Darlington (being part of your community, activities and opportunities, and your environment) 

We want to try and make sure all children feel part of their community and can access activities outside of school in an environment that is clean and protected for the future.

Updates on Progress

We will update on how we achieve what we want to do for each of the priorities in October 2024 and will report on the work we are doing in April 2025 and in October 2025. 

If you have any ideas or suggestions about the CYPP and how the Steering Group can make improvements in the 5 priority areas please contact us at the email address below:

[email protected]

View the Children and Young People Plan Poster [PDF Document]

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