You’ve changed the world before; you can do it again!
When you see the news and hear about the problems of climate change, it’s natural to feel overwhelmed by it all and, in some ways, powerless to prevent it. You may wonder, what can I do? I’m just one person; China and America must sort it out! Interestingly, China has set targets like the UK's to reduce carbon emissions. America, well, that’s a different debate for a different day.
Let’s step back in time to 1825, 200 years ago, to be precise, when the Stockton & Darlington Railroad was opened. Large crowds witnessed George Stephenson at the controls of the world’s first locomotive. Britain became a major industrial economy. The Industrial Revolution was a significant turning point in history, affecting nearly every aspect of daily life worldwide.
Every problem presents an opportunity. George Stephenson tackled the challenge of transporting large numbers of people and materials by inventing the steam train. In responding to climate change, society must reduce its reliance on fossil fuels, use resources more efficiently, and better protect the natural environment. To put it another way, we need to become a low-carbon society.
George Stephenson and the people and businesses of the North East changed the world, playing a pivotal role in fuelling the Industrial Revolution with coal, steel, innovation, and enterprise. We must harness this same spirit of innovation and enterprise to power the next revolution, the green revolution.
Moving to a low-carbon society is the greatest challenge of our lifetime, and given the scope of the challenge, it’s easy to think – that you can’t make a difference. But you can, and most importantly, you must, whether as an individual or as an employee in a company, with the decisions you make every hour of every day.
Darlington Employers Environmental Partnership
Darlington Employers Environmental Partnership, or DEEP for short, is a voluntary, not-for-profit organisation formed a year ago by several key local businesses to share good practices around moving to a low-carbon society. The Darlington Building Society initiated the idea, and some of the town’s major employers were among the first to sign up. DEEP runs free ‘Network and Learn’ events, encouraging local organisations to attend and work together to develop the knowledge, skills, and tools to deliver sustainable solutions that can help power the green revolution.
DEEP allows local businesses to showcase how they prosper and make a positive difference, providing solutions to our sustainability and climate change problems.
Join DEEP and work with other like-minded local businesses to generate more sustainable outcomes with your products, services, and approach.
Not only is it the right thing to do, but the green revolution will also provide opportunities for your business to thrive.