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Licensing Act 2003

Darlington Borough Council is a Licensing Authority responsible for administering the Licensing Act 2003.

  • the licensing of individuals for the retail sale of alcohol (personal licences)
  • the licensing of premises for the retail sale of alcohol
  • the provision of regulated entertainment or late night refreshment (premises licences)
  • the supply of alcohol or the provision of regulated entertainment to certain clubs (club premises certificates)
  • the permitting of certain licensable activities on a temporary basis (temporary event notices)

  • Retail sale of alcohol (for consumption on or off the premises) 
  • Supply of hot food or drink from a premise from 11pm to 5am
  • Supply of alcohol or provision of regulated entertainment to club members
  • Provision of entertainment listed below (known as regulated entertainment) to the public or club members or with a view to profit:
    • a performance of a play
    • an exhibition of a film
    • an indoor sporting event
    • a boxing or wrestling entertainment
    • a contest, exhibition or display which combines boxing or wrestling with one or more martial arts (“combined fighting sports”)
    • a performance of live music
    • any playing of recorded music
    • a performance of dance
    • entertainment of a similar description to a performance of live music, any playing of recorded music or a performance of dance
  • The Council is required to keep this policy under review and must publish a statement of its Licensing Policy every three years

  • The requirement to renew personal licences has been abolished with effect from 1 April 2015.
  • The offence of selling liqueur confectionery to children under 16 will be repealed with effect from 26 May 2015. After that date a person of any age can buy liqueur confectionery in England and Wales.
  • The requirement to report lost or stolen licences to the police before applying for duplicates will be abolished with effect from 26 May 2015.
  • The limit on the number of temporary events that can be held at single premises will increase from 12 to 15 per year from 1 January 2016.
  • Changes to regulated entertainment will take effect from 6 April 2015.


Personal licence forms

Temporary event notice forms

Temporary event notice application form [pdf document]

Premises licences

Club premises certificate forms


Licensing Guidance for Euros 2024

Euro 2024 guidance to licenced premises [pdf document]

Current licensing applications

Due to the nature of these document there may be issues with accessibility.

If you require a fully accessible version please email [email protected] requesting the desired application.

Mafea application [pdf document]
Mafea plan [pdf document]

Denes Local application [pdf document]
Denes Local plan [pdf document]

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