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If you have any queries on performing in Darlington, please email [email protected] or phone 01325 406417.

Sale of merchandise

The sale of any merchandise (for example, CDs) is not allowed unless an appropriate Street Trading Consent has been obtained from the Council's Licensing Unit. Sale of merchandise is not permitted on prohibited streets [pdf document].

Busking for Charities

If you are busking for a charity, you must be able to provide evidence to confirm this. For example, a letter from that charity confirming that you are busking on their behalf. A busker who does not have a street trading consent in advance should contact 01325 405888 to get street trading consent for the day.

Advice for shop owners and the public

If you find that you are being disturbed by a street performer:

Firstly, approach the busker and explain politely that you are being troubled by their activity. You may find this difficult but often buskers are unaware of the problem they are causing and will be glad to do what they can to find a compromise.

If the problem persists, or you are unable to reach a compromise with the performer, please contact the events team by emailing [email protected]or calling01325 406417.

An officer will then deal with the complaint as soon as possible.

If co-operation is not forthcoming, formal action can be pursued if necessary.  

Regulation summary

We are currently reviewing Darlington guidelines on busking. We aim to have a new version ready for tis summer season 2025. Please contact the events team if you have any questions.


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