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Cemeteries and Crematorium

Our team are responsible for the day to day routine and management of three cemeteries and a crematorium. They take funeral bookings and manage all the paperwork for a funeral.

Contact us

Crematorium Office
West Cemetery
Carmel Road North

Telephone: 01325 406744
Email: [email protected]

Opening times

  • Monday – Thursday  9am – 4:30pm.
  • Friday - 9am – 4:00pm.


Guidelines and charters

Our work is carried out in line with relevant legislation. The crematorium operates under the Federation of British cremation authorities code of cremation practice [external link].

We have adopted the charter for the bereaved [external link], this outlines the minimum requirement expected of the bereaved.

Registering a death

More information about registering a death is found on the Register Office pages.

Public health funerals

See our information page on Public health funerals where no next of kin can be found.

Useful links


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