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Delivering Adult Social Care service online, provides a number of opportunities for people and our workforce:

 For people it means;

  • 24/7 access at a time that is good to them
  • freeing up time to do things that are important to them as opposed to travelling (In particular for people living in rural areas.)
  • avoiding queuing and waiting in lengthy call queues to access services
  • accessing services at a pace that works for them
  • accessing services in the comfort of their own home and with their own technology
  • accessing resources in the wider community through clear signposting

For the Council and its workforce it means;

  • able to deliver services in a more cost effective way
  • reducing human intervention and reducing the risk or error
  • a clear auditable trail of activities
  • freeing up resources to focus on the services that can’t be delivered online and helping people to access online services

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