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Support for becoming an adult

Planning for the future is an important time in any young person’s life. Preparing for adulthood can be challenging for young people, especially those with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). Preparing for Adulthood (PfA) is a term used to describe the time in a young person’s life when they move from being a child to an adult and includes learning about the things that young people need to know about and learn to live life as an adult (when they are 18 years of age or older).

At 18 years of age young people move from children’s services to adult services. This is known as transition. It is important to start transition planning early, so that the young person, their family and others supporting them can help to get them ready to make informed choices about the future and to help them reach their goals.

This includes plans about:

  • higher Education and employment
  • independent living and options for where and how you live
  • participating in the local community, society and having positive relationships with others
  • good health
  • your rights and legal decisions
  • help for parents, carers and young adult’s
  • money

Preparing for adulthood is everyone’s responsibility, professionals will work in partnership to make sure the young person and their family will have the information they need to do this. Transition planning usually begins in secondary school.

If the young person receives services from Childrens Social Care, the Socia Worker will discuss presenting to a forum known as the Transition to Adult Social Care Forum (TASC). The forum will support with planning how and when Adult Social Care Workers will start to work with a young person including:

  • which Adult Social Care Team is most appropriate to work with the young person,
  • when it is best to start working with them
  • complete a transitional assessment to establish if they are likely to have eligible social care needs as an adult
  • if they have eligible needs begin to work with them, their family and others to develop a support plan detailing how eligible needs will be met.

If a young person does not receive Social Care Service but you would like to know further around Adult Social Care please see Your journey through Adult Social Care Section.

Preparing for Adulthood Strategy

We have prepared a draft strategy which outlines the key aims and objectives for Darlington Borough Council Adult Services when supporting young people as they become adults. The strategy aims to:

  • Share with young people and families the responsibilities and statutory duties of adult services within DBC.
  • To provide information on the key stages when planning for adulthood, who is involved, duties, responsibilities and expected outcomes to ensure that young people and their families/carers are fully informed and that expectations managed regarding changes across transition points, with clear co-produced plans.
  • To refresh and reinforce the progression approach used to support young people as they prepare for adulthood.
  • To identify what we need to do to improve our preparation for adulthood approach
  • How we will work with young people and families to improve this journey and achieve improved outcomes
  • To share key information with young people and families 
  • Support consistency, continuity and improved outcomes at every stage of a person’s life

Read our draft strategy [pdf document] 

We are seeking comments and feedback on this draft strategy. Please use the getting involved and have your say page, and complete the get involved form

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