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Training for parents and carers

In Darlington we want to support parents and carers. We have training and development ranging from short courses to full accredited programmes. These are for parents, carers and members of our local communities.

The links below give details for you to learn and develop as a Carer, a Foster Carer, a Parent Carer or a Young Carer. You can also become part of our Darlington Academy[external link]

Training for carers fact sheets (easy read) [pdf document]

Latest News from Workforce Development – details of events and training.

Darlington Xtra [external link] - keep up to date with training, learning tools, employment and progression opportunities across the Children & Adults Sector.

Darlington Xtra Podcast [external link] – a free learning resource, working with communities, staff and partners.

Darlington BC - Learning & Skills – details of courses to help you find a job, upskill in your current workplace or to learn something new.

Livingwell Darlinton [external link] -  information and signposting to a wide range of services, activities and organisations in Darlington. 

Darlington Safeguarding Partnership[external link] - online training

commitment to carers


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